Abstract:Objective: To investigate the risk factors of pulmonary embolism (PE) in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) deduced by non-dominant factors in order to provide the basis for clinical treatment. Methods: 184 patients with AECOPD deduced by non-dominant factors in our hospital were selected and divided into two groups, 60 patients in pulmonary embolism group and 122 patients in non-pulmonary embolism group. The past disease history, general information, auxiliary examination results, clinical symptoms and COPD severity grading of the two groups were compared. Then the risk factors were analyzed by Logistic regression analysis. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the general information, COPD severity grading, past disease history and clinical symptoms of the two groups (P>0.05).In the pulmonary embolism group, 25.0% patients' bed time was more than one week, 36.67% patients' difference of the two limb circumference was no less than 1cm, 28.33% patients' PCO2 was no more than 36mmHg, 38.33% patients had deep venous thrombosis, and 98.33% patients' D Dimer was no less than 500μg/L. Compared with the pulmonary embolism group, the indexes of the non-pulmonary embolism group were significantly better than those of the pulmonary embolism group (P<0.05). According to the Logistic regression analysis, the time in bed more than one week, the difference of the two limbs circumference no less than 1cm, and deep venous thrombosis were the three main risk factors for AECOPD deduced by non-dominant factors. Conclusion: There are three main risk factors for AECOPD deduced by non-dominant factors including the time in bed more than one week, the difference of the two limbs circumference no less than 1cm, and deep venous thrombosis. The possibility of PE should be paid more attention to in order to avoid misdiagnosis.
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