Abstract:Objective: To investigate the effects of circulating lymphocyte ratio (LYR), ferritin and serum-lactate dehydrogenase (S-LDH) on the prognosis of children with newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)and its early warning significance. Methods: A total of 89 children with newly diagnosed APL admitted to our hospital from January 2018 to December 2023 were divided into complete response (CR) group and non-CR group according to the prognosis after treatment. Clinical data, levels of LYR, ferritin and S-LDH were compared between the two groups, and the net correlation between LYR, ferritin and S-LDH with disease outcome was analyzed. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were conducted to analyze the value of LYR, ferritin and S-LDH in predicting the disease outcome, and evaluate the effects of different expression levels of LYR, ferritin and S-LDH on the disease outcome. Results: The LYR in non-CR group was significantly lower than that in CR group, and the ferritin and S-LDH were significantly higher than those in CR group (P<0.05). LYR, ferritin and S-LDH were significantly correlated with the disease outcome (P<0.05), and the net correlation coefficients of LYR, ferritin and S-LDH were -0.825, 0.860 and 0.812, respectively. The optimal cut-off values of LYR, ferritin and S-LDH were 34.12, 261.22 and 511.39, respectively, and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) was 0.779, 0.802 and 0.797, respectively. Odds ratio (OR) for risk analysis showed that the risk of non-CR in patients with high LYR, ferritin and S-LDH expression was 0.120, 12.783 and 9.579 times higher than that in patients with low expression, respectively. The AUC of combined prediction of LYR, ferritin, and S-LDH for non-CR was 0.916 (95%CI: 0.838-0.964), with the sensitivity of 88.89%, and the specificity of 83.10%. Conclusion: The levels of LYR, ferritin and S-LDH are closely related to the disease outcome of APL patients, which provide a reference for clinical evaluation and prediction in early APL patients, formulating corresponding intervention programs to improve the prognosis.
雷庆龄, 林云碧, 黄体龙, 宋春艳, 肖祖刚. LYR 铁蛋白 S-LDH对初诊儿童急性早幼粒细胞白血病病情转归影响及早期预警意义[J]. 河北医学, 2024, 30(12): 2038-2043.
LEI Qingling, LIN Yunbi, HUANG Tilong, et al. Effects of LYR Ferritin and S-LDH on the Prognosis of Children with Newly Diagnosed Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia and its Early Warning Significance. HeBei Med, 2024, 30(12): 2038-2043.
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